I have a part time job as a waitress but this does not relate to my topic of inquiry, so I thought I would draw some experience with the teachers that I shadow. I'm looking to do my PGCE after Middlesex, so I thought it would be helpful to shadow some teachers where I live and gain some experience. The task said that we should rely solely on our thoughts and experiences, so this is what I believe you have to take into consideration when teaching:
- Child protection and safe guarding (no sexual, physical or emotional abuse)
- Reporting anyone who you see abusing a child/children
- Making sure you have parents consent with anything that you are planning
- Keeping yourself at an appropriate distance from the child
- Being appropriately dressed
- Keeping your language clean
- Treating all children equally
- Making sure all health and safety checks are up to date
- Being responsible for the childs wellbeing e.g. appropriate warm up and cool down and response to injury
- Making sure they have the correct information about how to look after their injury or giving them access to a physiotherapist
- Keeping on top of all dancers injuries
- Making sure other staff (if any) know the rules and are abiding by them
- Monitoring staff to make sure rules are being followed
- Keeping your personal life separate
- Keeping physical touching to a minimal/only when necessary to explain something
- Noticing behaviour changes in a child
That's all I can think of for right now but I'm sure in the next task I will find out more!
health and safety policy? - both schools and businesses - policy online for schools used as examples?
ReplyDeletehow would "Treating all children equally " or "Keeping physical touching to a minimal/only when necessary to explain something" be realised in an educational context? is this performance or other school situation? Are there other professional codes beyond safeguarding - what is safeguarding? Lianne in M3 is looking at this topic in dance schools...