Title: BA (Hons) Professional Practice in Arts (Performing Arts)
My rationale is as follows:
When deciding on questions for my professional inquiry, I wanted to do something that would not only help my profession but my professional colleagues and anyone else in the performing arts sector. I wanted to choose something that I have knowledge on, like the dance world, but also extend my knowledge to all of the performing arts so that I can learn new things. I have chosen to focus on funding in the arts because I feel that it is something that some students struggle with after they leave college if they want to start their own projects, with regards to where to find it, if they are eligible to get it, how to receive it and what are the terms of the funding. It will also be beneficial for me to research for future reference if I ever wanted to start my own dance school or performing arts project.
The purpose of the inquiry is to find out what performers and non-performers know about funding, how I can get more information out there about funding, how funding cuts are affecting the arts council and other funding establishments and hopefully give all artistic professions more of an idea of what help they can get.
This is a draft version of my rationale, any comments or advice about how to improve it would be very helpful.
Thank you!
Thanks Laura